Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Guy

I'm somewhat amused as to how this one person has been avoiding me for some time, especially at group events.

Once upon a time, I was alerted to the fact that something was going on with him. Of course, I had to hear it from my dear friend A. I myself would be too blur to figure it out. At first, I didn't believe it. Then, more and more people would start making jibes. Some made obvious ones. Then I entered into a period in which I tried to avoid eye contact, or tried to walk away whenever he approached. Then he got the hint.

After this period was over, I thought I could become friendlier and more interested, as a friend of course, in his affairs.

Then one day, I got this very disturbing call. It was while I was at Big Fish, with the E4 girls, and he called to tell me something that totally shocked and disgusted me.

Then began the awkward and disconcerting period in which I tried to avoid at all costs. Then he got the hint again. I haven't been friendly to him since.

And he has gotten the hint for good now. We don't talk, we don't even sit around in the same group to talk anymore. Except for one recent phone call in which he called to ask me how I was (which I attribute entirely to friendship). I'm relieved. Amused, but very relieved.

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