Since he was leaving for a foreign land (London) on Monday, the 3 of us, JCHM, EC and I, assembled a little er, care package, basket of goodies, call it what you will. Forgot to take a picture of the golden box I bought from prints, with the little pink ribbon courtesy of EC (Being Eunice Chew) and we all signed it. But it's what is inside that counts =p
We had the farewell dinner at Wine Garage. We made ADY wave the items in the air proudly. But he had a dour expression the whole time! Save for pic no. 3...
Item No. 1 - Universal Adaptor
Item No. 2 - KY and Pregnancy Test Kit
Yes, he gave us the weirdest dour look when he saw that... Well, we hoped most of the things we bought were useful, save for that one!
Item No. 3 - Condoms
Not his favourite brand anymore. Apparently it's fallen out of favour. But ah well...
We only took a picture of the first appetizer. Good stuff! The terrine was fabulous...
Then there are the girls:
We took a harem shot with ADY, but can't seem to locate it! Some other guys came after, but I think we were too high on wine to bother taking any more pics.
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