Sunday, October 22, 2006

Prison Break

It's a self-imposed duty for me to look at the various new US TV shows and consider which ones I'd be interested in being a loyal follower of - the TV shows I would be willing to sacrifice some social activities for, or some sleep for. (Apparently, *shock* lack of sleep is linked to obesity! No wonder... but I digress).

Currently, my status as Loyal Follower is with regards to a few stellar shows: Gilmore Girls, Lost, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Will & Grace. Prison Break is another such.

Yes, I'm slow (only this once!) I've been recommended the series before but was too lazy to check it out, although the episodes were sitting at my desk at home. Prison Break is into its third season now I think. I've seen it on bittorrent for the longest time. But now I'm pledging my loyalty to the series.

Prison Break is incredibly smart and thrilling. And it helps that Wentworth Miller is hot. He's very familiar. I haven't browsed his bio, but I've definitely seen him in some show recently. The plot seems to hinge on the rescue of Wenworth Miller's brother, who's on death row. I refuse to look at the episode guides online. But Channel 5 is simply too slow. Every time one episode concludes, I can't wait for the next episode. It's like how I was with ER eons ago, back when I was 13, back when I discovered the wonderful world of US TV for the first time. And I never went back.

Yes, I will start watching Prison Break with a vengeance.

weekend exploits

I'm developing very disturbing habits. Going karaoking twice in a month! Learning the mahjong. Eating all my 3 meals. Not getting up regularly to run every other day. Learning to love the beer. Gambling at the turf club. Craving fine dining...=)

Not that I'm complaining. I'm having a blast. I'm having a really good month, despite all that working. Actually it's because work is so tedious that I feel that my free time has gotten very very precious. Carpe diem I say.

But maybe there's a thread of escapism in these pursuits. I'm always on the go, nary any time for thinking through some of the things I need to think about. I need some alone time soon.


If there's a sport that resembles skiing or snowboarding it'll have to be this. I'm really getting a kick out of wakeboarding. The last time I went was some 4 years ago, but when I tried it again last month, I realised I've been missing out all these years. And WOW.

I had a few false starts the first time, and I forgot how to get up. But I think, once you've got it, you don't really lose it. It's like riding a bicycle. After the first two splats, I finally managed to stay within the wake.

And the rush of the wind and the sounds of the boat ride in front of you and the fact that you are skimming water gives you a huge rush. There are only so many words I can use to explain this exhilarating feeling.

The second time, just yesterday, was even better. With the help of good old "Uncle Robert" the instructor, we managed to understand how to properly cross the wake, how to stand rod straight when crossing the left, how to bend when crossing the right, how to thrust your hip towards the handle, how to land lightly and absorb the shock before standing straight... ok these technicalities are boring. But in the second lesson, I managed to cross both wakes, return back to the inside of the wake and I skimmed the outside right next to the boat. When the boat did a u-turn, I was hanging on to the rope for dear life, but it was like being on a roller coaster. Only better. No safety handles, no seats and no safety net. Just a rope.

When I crossed the wake yesterday, there were a few moments when the board hit the wake and lifted straight up into the air. And when I landed back onto the water, there was a very neat pop sound. *GRINZ* And part of the thrill is losing control and feeling sort of wobbly, but then getting your sense of balance quickly such that you regain stability and you feel top of the world again. Yes, it's the same feeling as the one I had while skiing. (I ALSO LOVE SKIING).

Given, there were many splats. I had quite a few concussions. The first time, I felt sick the whole day after going into the water because of one awful thump in the head by the wake.

And then there are the floating debris and the obiquitous jellyfish. Every so often we would see one floating past the boat. And as you are submerged in the water waiting for the boat to get started, you feel a tad vulnerable knowing that you are probably in the same habitat as that blasted jellyfish.

But that was all worth it. Now I'm looking forward to my next lesson come Nov 4!

Must remember to bring my camera...