Just some random pics of the stuff I've been doing the past few weeks...

Here's David, a pretty good food companion and occasional sparklers playmate!!! We are indulging in some good old Carl's Junior's here...

And this is what we are talking about!! Not a normal sized burger mind you... I feel quite proud to have finished that!!!
I had the guacamole cheese burger and we shared the chilli fries. It really brings back memories of the chilli fries I had so many times during the San Fran-Lake Tahoe holiday I took a few years back... The chilli fries reminds me of the very same dish I had on the Lake Tahoe Sierra Nevada ski slopes, which reminds me of the skiing I did that clear splendid day... which reminds me of the rush I got when I zoomed down the slope(beginner slope but still considered a slope la)...mmmmmmmmm.....
Here are a few hall friends and I at the Hill Bistro on Mt Faber, after which we adjourned to Altivo's. It's a tad anti-climax. We had such high expectations and the food was average, considering the steep prices. But the company was good and the view quite lovely. We really don't get to meet up much, and sometimes I feel the friendships slipping away slowly but surely. And that's sad. Anyway, this is one of the nights where we got to hang out, drink margaritas, people watch...
And here is an edudine shot with some of the law girls... I had to rush off for my sister's birthday party right after this, but this is one of the happier times of the night, right before we had some of the really bad food! Chilli oil was served and labelled as tom yum, for one thing. And they had bits of uncooked limp chicken floating in an oily curry. Urrgh.

As I'm rifling through my old pics online, I come across this pic of my old hall room, only to realise in my greatest horror that my pride and joy, the 2000 Gore v Bush poster, which I plucked from Capitol Hill, Washington during the election protests, has gone missing!!!! Bruddy hell, where the @#$%%$#@&* is it???!!!

See, it's right behind to a very unflattering me. See how nice it looks. WHERE CAN IT BE??!! I am always looking for stuff... Bugger, must go and find it. Time to sleuth around for it.
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